Statistics and Funding Information

The Westchester CoC Performance Dashboard uses data from our HMIS to present historical statistics on homelessness in Westchester using graphs and charts.


HUD Funding Requests

Fiscal Year 2016

Applications by the Westchester CoC to HUD for renewal and new funding

Fiscal Year 2017

Applications by the Westchester CoC to HUD for renewal and new funding

Fiscal Year 2019

Applications by the Westchester CoC to HUD for renewal and new funding

Fiscal Year 2022

Applications by the Westchester CoC to HUD for renewal and new funding

Fiscal Year 2024

Applications by the Westchster CoC to HUD for renewal and new funding

Fiscal Year 2015

Applications by the Westchester CoC to HUD for renewal and new funding

Fiscal Year 2018

Applications by the Westchester CoC to HUD for renewal and new funding

Fiscal Year 2021

Applications by the Westchester CoC to HUD for renewal and new funding

Fiscal Year 2023

Applications by the Westchester CoC to HUD for renewal and new funding


 Westchester County Point-In-Time Count Results

The Point-in-Time (PIT) count is a count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons on a single night in January. HUD requires that Continuums of Care (CoCs) conduct an annual count of homeless persons who are sheltered in emergency shelter, transitional housing, and Safe Havens on a single night. CoCs also must conduct a count of unsheltered homeless persons. This count is planned, coordinated, and carried out locally by Westchester County’s Continuum of Care .

Click on the chart to download it along with notes from the author regarding methodology.

Systems Performance Measures Reports

Westchester County CoC Housing Inventory Charts (HIC)

Westchester County CoC Annual Gaps Analysis