Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care Competition

The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care Competition and Noncompetitive Award of Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Renewal and Replacement Grants
has been posted on and is available on the Funding Opportunities page on HUD’s website. Additional resources will be available on the Continuum of Care Program Competition page of HUD’s website. 

The CoC Application, CoC Priority Listing, and Project Applications should be available in e-snaps within the next two weeks. Collaborative Applicants and project applicants will be able to access the applications to review, update, and enter required information for the application process.   

Submission Deadline: Friday, September 30, 2022 at 8:00 PM EDT 

Collaborative Applicants 

  • The CoC Application and CoC Priority Listing that includes all project applications that will be submitted to HUD are separate submissions in e-snaps. Collaborative Applicants must submit both parts of the CoC Consolidated Application by the application submission deadline for HUD to consider the CoC Consolidated Application to be complete.

  • There are six Project Listings in the CoC Priority Listing; however, only the New and Renewal Project Listings require unique rank numbers. The remaining four Project Listings only require Collaborative Applicants to accept or reject project applications.

  • The CoC Competition Report, and instructions on how to access the report, that includes data reported in the Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) is available for use by Collaborative Applicants to complete portions of the FY 2022 CoC Application.

Project Applicants 

  • Returning project applicants may choose to import FY 2021 renewal project application responses; however, this must be requested during your registration of the Renewal Funding Opportunity in e-snaps and is only available if you submitted a project application in the FY 2021 CoC Program Competition. Imported responses must be carefully reviewed to ensure accuracy.

  • Projects renewing for the first time, that were previously awarded prior to the FY 2021 CoC Program Competition must complete the entire renewal project application.

  • New project applications must be completed in full and in accordance with the new project application components permitted in this year’s Competition.

  • YHDP renewal and YHDP replacement project applications must be completed in full and in accordance with the YHDP renewal and YHDP replacement project application processes outlined in the NOFO.

  • CoC planning and UFA Costs applications will only be reviewed if submitted by the CoC’s designated Collaborative Applicant identified in the CoC Applicant Profile in e-snaps.

  • Dedicated HMIS projects, renewal and new, can only be submitted by the CoC’s designated HMIS Lead as identified in the CoC Applicant Profile in e-snaps.

Additional Guidance 

The following additional guidance will be posted on the CoC Program Competition page of HUD’s website between August 1, 2022 and August 22, 2022: 

  • FY 2022 CoC Estimated ARD Reports

  • Detailed Instructions

    • CoC Application

    • CoC Priority Listing

    • Project Applications – all types

  • Navigational Guides

    • Accessing the Project Application

    • New Project Application

    • Renewal Project Application

    • UFA Costs Project Application

    • Planning Costs Project Application

    • CoC Priority Listing


Questions regarding the FY 2022 CoC Program Competition process must be submitted to  

Questions related to e-snaps functionality (e.g., password lockout, access to user’s application account, updating Applicant Profile) must be submitted to