HUD Publishes HOTMA Final Rule Preview

On January 31, 2023, HUD posted a preview version of the final rule implementing sections 102, 103, and 104 of the Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) (P.L. 114-201).

Only certain portions of sections 102 and 104 apply to Community Planning and Development (CPD) programs. Specifically, these sections affect current and potential beneficiaries of affordable housing activities, public facilities and improvements, and public service activities funded through CPD programs.

In addition, the rule includes conforming regulatory changes to four CPD programs:

  • HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)

  • Housing Trust Fund (HTF)

  • Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)

  • Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS Program (HOPWA)

The effective date of the provisions applicable to CPD programs will be established upon publication of the final rule in the Federal Register. CPD grantees may not implement these provisions prior to the effective date.

Read the Preview Version of the HOTMA Final Rule

Sections 102 and 104

The changes made by sections 102 and 104 of HOTMA are described below:

  • Section 102 revises the definition and calculation of annual and adjusted income and addresses how income and eligibility is determined, including the frequency of income reviews. It also creates a safe harbor to allow the use of an income eligibility determination of another provider of federal public assistance; increases the threshold for certain deductions made when calculating adjusted income; creates financial hardship exemptions for adjusted income; and eliminates the use of the Earned Income Disallowance.

  • Section 104 defines net family assets, establishes an asset limitation for families based on the value of net family assets and property ownership, and provides exceptions for certain investments, including retirement savings and modest increases in income.

Additional Guidance and Resources

The applicability of HOTMA varies by CPD program. Program-specific guidance, resources, tools, and training to implement the new HOTMA provisions will be posted on HUD’s website and the HUD Exchange as they become available.

City of Mount Vernon Seeks Public Comment on 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan








The City of Mount Vernon, NY invites residents, public agencies, and other stakeholders to provide input on Mount Vernon’s housing and community development needs.   

For FY2021, the City is receiving the following allocations: 

Community Development Block Grant 


HOME Investment Partnerships Grant  

$   511,949.00 

Emergency Solutions Grants 

$   145,722.00 

Total 2020 Entitlement Funding: 



The City of Mount Vernon will hold a thirty (30) day public comment period open to all residents, especially low-and moderate-income residents on the 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan.  The public comment period will begin on Friday, June 11, 2021 and end on Monday, July 12, 2021.   


The City invites citizens, public agencies and other interested parties to attend and provide public comments at the virtual public hearings being held on the following dates: 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 5:30pm
RSVP here:​   

Friday, June 25, 2021 at 10:00am
RSVP here:​   


The 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan is  available on the City’s website at:

or at the following locations: 

    • City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, First Floor, 1 Roosevelt Square, Mount Vernon, NY 10550

    • Department of Planning and Community Development, Second Floor, 1 Roosevelt Square, Mount Vernon, NY 10550


The City Council of the City of Mount Vernon is expected to take action on the Annual Action Plan for FY 2021 in July 2020. In addition, the City anticipates submitting the approved Annual Action Plan to HUD in July 2021. 


Written comments on the Plan are encouraged and may be submitted via email until July 12, 2021 to:  

Or mailed to:  

Department of Planning and Community Development
1 Roosevelt Square
Mount Vernon, NY 10550 

Please voice your opinion on housing and community development needs by attending the June 16 or June 25th virtual public hearing.