WCoC Bonus Project RFI Conference - Friday, September 3, 2021

2021 RFI Proposers conference will be held at 1:30 pm on Friday September 3rd.

This meeting will discuss all aspects of this RFI, especially considerations for designing projects with partners in order to access the HUD bonus category points. The CoC Bonus is offered by HUD to provide services and permanent housing to homeless households.

The Request For Information (RFI) offered by the Westchester Continuum of Care to solicit proposals from eligible partner agencies requesting to be included as sub-recipient providers in the application to HUD for Continuum of Care Bonus (CoCB) and Domestic Violence Bonus (DVB) projects, which might be awarded through the FY2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program competition.

The RFI and the forms required to submit a proposal can be found here: https://www.wcochomeless.org/fy2021-applications

  • Only Continuums of Care which score high enough will receive CoC Bonus and/or DV Bonus funding.

  • CoC’s are allowed to submit more than one CoC Bonus and/or DV Bonus application to HUD, so the Westchester CoC may choose one or two CoC Bonus partners and one or more DV Bonus partners to submit an application.

    • Responses to the CoC Bonus RFI must request either 50% or 100% of the maximum available from HUD

    • Responses to the DV Bonus RFI can request any amount from $50,000 to $1,271,640

  • The DV Bonus is offered by HUD to provide services and housing to homeless households fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and/or human trafficking. Individuals and families who have been made homeless or are at eminent risk of homelessness by attempting to flee are eligible for HUD funded housing as stated in the Category 4 Definition of Homelessness in the HEARTH ACT.

  • The maximum funding request total for applications from Westchester CoC for the CoC Bonus is $1,045,034.

  • The maximum funding request total for applications from Westchester CoC for the DV Bonus is $1,271,640.

  • Responses to this CoC Bonus RFI are due September 21 at 1pm.

As noted below, there will be a conference to discuss the RFI this Friday September 3 at 1:30pm.

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Meeting number (access code): 161 306 9139

Meeting password: RPcRgsYa567

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+1-415-655-0001 US Toll

1-844-621-3956 United States Toll Free

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2009). S. 896 HEARTH Act of 2009 - HUD Exchange. HUDExchange.Info.