2020 Emergency Summer Cooling Credits

If you’re enrolled in the Low Income Discount program, you’ll get a credit on your summer energy bills automatically. The credit is to help with the cost of running your air-conditioning as you stay home because of COVID-19.

Starting in June, you’ll receive emergency summer cooling credits for four months. The first monthly credit is approximately $34. Your monthly credit will vary based on the number of customers enrolled in the program.

You’ll be eligible for the credit through September as long you’re enrolled in the Low Income Discount program as of the 10th of each month. If you have any questions, please email us or call 1-800-75-CONED.

*Credit amounts will vary slightly based on your location.

Customers who are removed from the Low Income Discount program will no longer be eligible to receive the Emergency Summer Cooling Credit.

For more information , please visit https://www.coned.com/en/accounts-billing/payment-plans-assistance/help-paying-your-bill