Rehousing Strategy, Service Delivery and System Reform Webinar

HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) invited homeless assistance providers and their partners to participate in an hour long webinar featuring three individuals with a history of activism and service to people experiencing homelessness both in shelter and on the streets. Shawn Jones, Eric Sheptock, and Chase Evans shared their perspectives on rehousing strategy, service delivery and system reform. In addition, SNAPS was joined by Aishwarya Raja from Mask Transit who shared how her program provides masks and education to vulnerable communities.

This call was a continuation of SNAPS efforts as they encourage communities to examine their current processes and systems to see how they can more meaningfully and intentionally encourage those with lived experience.

The following presenters were available for a live question and answer session:

  • Shawn Jones, Baltimore Lived Experience Advisory Committee

  • Eric Sheptock, Advocate

  • Chase Evans, The Intentional Homeless Association

  • Aishwarya Raja, Mask Transit