Housing Success Workgroup 

Permanent supportive housing (PSH) is designed to serve the nation’s most vulnerable people, including those experiencing chronic homelessness. These individuals and families are challenged by chronic health conditions, substance abuse and mental health issues, social isolation, and poverty. The purpose of the CoC’s Housing Success Workgroup is to support the implementation and use of the Housing First Model and to discuss and address the barriers that PSH clients face in accessing and maintaining housing. To increase housing retention rates with the understanding that housing stabilization is essential to improving the health conditions and overall well-being of our program participants. Housing providers meet with County and CoC leadership to review individual situations and share ideas and support as they work together to find solutions on individual and, as needed, systemic levels. If you are interested in joining the Housing Success Workgroup please Click Here.

Agendas & Meeting Materials

  • December 24, 2019 - Cancelled

  • November 26, 2019 - Cancelled

  • October 29, 2019

  • September 24, 2019