HUD FY2017 NOFA and Westchester County CoC Project Ranking
HUD Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017
Grant Inventory Worksheet for Westchester County CoC
Westchester County CoC Board Priority List in Rank Order
Westchester County CoC Board Project Ranking Criteria
Process Used by Westchester CoC Board to Decide on Proposed Reallocations for FY2017 CoC Competition
Meeting Minutes & Handouts
Westchester County CoC Board Meeting 8/16/17
Westchester County CoC Board Meeting 8/02/17
Westchester County CoC Board Meeting 7/25/17
FY2017 Westchester County Application Documents
FY2018 Westchester County Project Applications
Westchester County Department of Social Services
Homeward Bound — Proposed PH Bonus Project